Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard Co FL Inc
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What financial assistance is available for Relative caregivers? There are two options available (each has eligibility requirements):
A. State of Florida Relative Caregiver Program. – The children you are raising were brought to you by the Department of Children and Families and/or adjudicated dependent then you may be eligible. (See basic eligibility requirements below) The child will be eligible for Medicaid.
B. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) – The child you are raising has not been through the dependency court system and adjudicated dependent. For example: You took your grandchildren into your care and did not call the children’s parent/s benefits. You can apply for child only TANF/TCA. This is a federal program, and it only looks at the child’s income. The child is eligible for Medicaid.
How much financial assistance do I receive each month with the Florida -Relative Caregiver Program benefits?
The Florida Relative Caregiver program monthly benefit for EACH child is: Age: 0-5 – $ 242.00 per child, age 6-12 $249.00 per child, age 13 + $298.00 per child.
How much financial assistance do I receive each month with the child only TANF/TCA?
The monthly benefit is: $180.00 for 1 Child, $241.00 for 2 Children, $303.00 for 3 Children, $364.00 for 4 Children
How do I apply for Relative Caregiver Benefits, TANF/TCA, Medicaid or Food Stamps (SNAP)?
Go to http://www.myflorida.com/accessflorida and fill out the application online, or go to an agency that is part of the Community ACCESS Network
What about a child placed with relatives out of state?
Only children living in Florida and placed by the court in Florida are eligible for Relative Caregiver benefits in Florida. A child placed in Florida by a court in another state is not eligible.
My grandchildren’s mother died, and the children get social security. Will the social security they get affect the assistance I receive?
The state looks at the children’s income when determining benefits. If the child receives social security, it is likely the child will not qualify for the Relative Caregiver Funds or TANF.
What about a child placed with relatives out of state?
Only children living in Florida and placed by the court in Florida are eligible for Relative Caregiver benefits in Florida. A child placed in Florida by a court in another state is not eligible.
What if the parent moves into the home with the children and the caregiver?
If the parent is at home for 30 days or longer, eligibility for Relative Caregiver Funds ends. Always follow the rules of parental involvement set by the court.
Are stepparents eligible for Relative Care?
Only if they are divorced from the biological parent, otherwise, they are considered a parent as opposed to a relative caregiver.
How long does it take for benefits to begin?
The ESS worker had 45 days to complete the approval process. If the family is already receiving TCA, the Relative Caregiver benefits will be approved in about 10 days from receipt of the completed communication form. If not, it will take about 30 days to approve or deny the case and longer for the relative to receive the benefits.
Do I qualify for childcare benefits?
If you are working and receive Relative Caregiver Benefits and/or the child has been adjudicated dependent, you should receive subsidized daycare based on status and are eligible for priority placements under the school readiness programs. The case manager will provide the referral for childcare (you must have this referral when you sign up for subsidized childcare). Once the case is closed you need to maintain your relative caregiver benefit, provide proof and re-certify annually.
What about post high school educational benefits?
A child who is receiving Relative Caregiver Benefits when he/she turns 18, may be eligible for tuition waiver at community colleges and vocational schools. The tuition waiver is eligible for 4 years after high school graduation.
What other services are available for my family? Where can I find out about?
Any child not living with parents is eligible for Medicaid. Services for relative caregivers are limited and can vary per County.